“Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made.” Roger Caras
Animal Human Connection. We love our pets and our pets love us. Whether we have a dog, cat, rabbit, horse, frog, turtle or

gold fish they are our best friends. They love us unconditionally and understand us when no one else in the world will.
Sure our pets make us happy. And when people are happy they laugh. They really love to laugh at clean, corny and funny jokes about their favorite animal.
So, whether you are sharing these jokes with an audience at the Rotary Club, your grandkids in the car, or just with your pet–read away. Laugh, groan or roll your eyes but enjoy and share the “Animal Jokes, Riddles & One-liners” found here.
Be sure to share your favorite pet story with us at www.ILovePetStories.com We can’t wait to hear what a wonderful friend your pet is.
Here are a few to start you giggling….
- Why do chicken coops only have two doors?
- Because if they had four doors they would have to be called a chicken sedan!
- Why is your Cocker Spaniel staring at me like that?
- Might be cause you are eating out of his dish!
- If there are two flies in a Montana kitchen, how do you tell which one is the cowboy?
- It is the one on the range.
- Can you name four members of the cat family?
- Sure, Mama cat, Daddy cat and their two kittens.
- Why are clouds like people riding horses?
- Because they hold the reins.
I know, I know. You probably have a hundred animal jokes to share. So share them! Animals are an instant friendship magnet and connector of other humans and animals. Dog people like to share with dog people and horse people love to swap stories with other horse owners.
You can always send them to us at www.ILovePetStories.com and we will share in the blog or in a later book. We will give you credit and even give your pet or animal creative credit if you would like.
People who like pets are pleasant to be around. Thanks for hanging around with us for a bit and sharing a chuckle or two.
P.S. We really appreciate reviews. It is easy for us writer types to create and publish, but difficult to market and ask for reviews. So, I am going out of my comfort zone since I am in such a happy mood and ask if you will take a few minutes and write a review for this or any of my books you are lucky enough to read. Blessings.
P.P.S If you are mourning the loss of a beloved pet, then you will want to join our community of kind, thoughtful people who have respect for all at www.deathofmypet.com
When a beloved pet has died, is aging, ill, or will soon pass your feelings of grief can be overwhelming. You don’t need to face this alone.
Judy Helm Wright, Pet Grief Coach is available for personal coaching and guidance, pet tribute books and therapeutic resources for those mourning the loss of a pet companion.
Please check out our pet loss support group at www.deathofmypet.com and receive comfort and understanding from other pet families.
P.P.S. You will always be glad you did take the steps to join other kindred spirits in Animal Human Connection. Blessings, Judy Helm Wright, Pet Grief Coach.
Animal jokes, pet riddles, clean jokes about animals, dog jokes, cat jokes, horse jokes, animal ridlles, animal one-liners, fun loving, pet parent
Animal jokes and riddles, pet jokes and riddles, dog and cat jokes, horse jokes and riddles, pet one liners