Hi Judy,   We spoke last week and you were kind enough to listen to the story of the passing of my sweet little Maltese, Charlie, who was nearly 16 when he died last June.  You asked me to write the story down, so here it is.  Thank you for caring!   My Charlie was … Read more

Facing The Loss of Fur Kids-Border Collies

So honored to recieve the following story from a dear woman in Australia about the loss of their “fur kids.”   When you read this, she paints a word picture so you can see and recognize the connection of Animals and Humans. Hello Judy, I would like to give you a brief story, it explains … Read more

Is It Time To Euthanize Our Pet? How Do I Tell The Family?

This answer was provided by Karen Tiede to a question of a young adult on Quara.  I found the answer so fullfilling that I asked permission to quote it here. This particular question and others are often asked of me on my radio show on the Human/Animal Connection. Please join us at   First, … Read more

Poem About The Death of a Beloved Pet

This beautiful poem was shared by a friend on Enjoy and save to share with friends….. The Last Battle If it should be that I grow weak, And pain should keep me from my sleep, Then you must do what must be done, For this last battle cannot be won. You will be sad, … Read more

Can Pets Detect Cancer and Other Illness?

This blog post was submitted by Becca Poliquim, a student at Carroll College in Helena, Montana Becca will be working as an publishing intern at Artichoke Press LLC this summer. “There is a story in the lore of my family about my aunt, who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer when she was nineteen. As a … Read more

Animals & Humans Connect & Comunicate

How Animals Communicate With Humans According to Ain’t Misbehavin’ The Groundbreaking Program for Happy, Well-Behaved Pets and Their People by John C. Wright, PH.D –“Both dogs and cats speak to us with their voices, tails, eyes, mouths, ears and posture. When they “talk” to each other, they use scents we can’t smell, subtler postures, looks, … Read more

How To Help Children Cope With Death Of A Pet (EXPERT)

How do caring adults assist young children or teens to cope with a death of a beloved pet or loved one. Perhaps the question is: how much do children understand about the process of death, and as adults what do we want to share with them? This may bring up issues in our own life … Read more

Why Do Dogs Live Longer Now? (EXPERT)

Old age in dogs varies by species and by breeding. Animal lovers of today take better care of their pets from the moment they are born. Through increased knowledge, improved pet care products and advanced veterinarian technology, we are able to enjoy our pets longer than ever before. Fifteen years is not an unusual life … Read more