Anthrozoology Majors Use Dogs For Stress Relief (EXPERT)

For the average college student, final exams entail a week of complete stress overload and possibly an emotional breakdown to some degree. This is certainly true of my campus, but crafty students discovered a way to brighten everyone’s spirits as we give our best efforts in the classroom. This relief comes in the form of … Read more

Calico Cat & Connection To Cancer Survivor

This story about the animal/human connection was submitted by  Rebecca Poliquin and a Communications major at Carroll College. There is a story in the lore of my family about my aunt, who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer when she was nineteen. As a normally witty and charming girl, the absolute loneliness of her treatments sent her … Read more

How To Help Children Cope With Death Of A Pet (EXPERT)

How do caring adults assist young children or teens to cope with a death of a beloved pet or loved one. Perhaps the question is: how much do children understand about the process of death, and as adults what do we want to share with them? This may bring up issues in our own life … Read more

Health Benefits of Pet Ownership (EXPERT)

As a Pet Grief Coach, I am constantly reminded of how important pets are in our lives. Animals have a way of opening up our hearts and cheering us up. No matter how bad of a day we’ve had, a pet can ease the stress and cheer us up. There are many great health benefits … Read more