How To Care For A Pet After The Owner Has Passed Away

  A lot of people in their twilight years have pets to keep them company. Because at this age they can plan to have a pet and friend with them for ten or twenty years and be sure that their lifestyle will be in keeping with that choice. Unfortunately, if we die Charlie the Poodle … Read more

Book Review-“I Will See You In Heaven” Friar Jack Wintz

animal stories, books about animals, Getting boys to read, Mike McQueen, learn to read, stories for kids

Book Review of "I Will See You In Heaven" by Friar Jack Wintz. This powerful little book was given to us at the death of our beloved pet. As an author of "I Miss You- Do Pets Go To Heaven"  I get asked frequently, by both children and adults, about where our beloved pets go when they … Read more

Caring For An Older Dog? Tips For Pet Parents (EXPERT)

I’m thrilled to be guest posting on Judy Helm Wright’s blog!  Judy asked me to write about loving and caring for an older dog.  I am grateful to share my experiences with Judy’s audience. Kathleen Mueller, Guest Author Are you caring for an older dog?  Me too. I suppose my first thought is that the … Read more

What I Learned About Life From My Dog (Expert)

What I learned About Life from My Dog ©Judy Helm Wright- Yоu саn learn а lot аbоut love frоm уоur dog – аftеr аll thеу аrе knоwn аѕ man’s bеѕt friend. Thе wау thеу give аnd receive love tо уоu саn teach уоu аn awful lot аbоut giving аnd receiving love tо оthеrѕ аnd … Read more

Whose Sense of Smell is Better-Man or Dog?

Why Do Dogs Have Such a Keen Sense of Smell? Many of us understand that our dogs process and view the world around them in a much different manner than we do, but we are often unaware of how big a difference this is. Just as our sense of sight helps us define our world … Read more

Breaking The Power of Guilt-(Guest Expert)

Breaking the Power of Guilt by Moira Anderson Allen, M.Ed. If any emotion rules supreme when a pet dies, it is guilt. No matter what the circumstances of our loss, guilt is there, grabbing us by the throat. It haunts our days, ruins our sleep, and tarnishes our memories. Often, guilt goes beyond the loss … Read more

Man’s Best Friend Is A Dog – Bond Forged Over The Ages

Man’s Best Friend Is His Dog “If you can bond with an animal, you can understand how human beings work” Michele James   For thousands of years dogs have provided people with protection, companionship and support and today the dog has become part of the fabric of society and often a valued member of families … Read more

Tele-Medicine Pet Help and Health – DIY Ways To Save Your Animal (EXPERT)

What do pet parents and pet setters do when their dog is refusing to eat or even worse, look as if they are having a stroke or heart attack? Do you run to the veteranian or look on Google for symptoms and solutions for the health answers? Most pet parents, if they are like our … Read more

Hellos and Goodbyes to Beloved Family Pets (Expert)

All life is filled with Hellos and Goodbyes. The longer we live, the more we will suffer the loss of loved ones: people, beloved family pets, things, ideas, jobs, house, friendship, season and so on. As Pet Partners how do we say Goodbye to a beloved family pet?   I want to read you a … Read more

Who Sees Better – Cats or Dogs? (EXPERT)

My shy boy. death of a pet, death of a kitten, when a kitten dies, young adults remember death of first pet, handling death and grief, college kids remember past pets, death of a cat, cat who has died, when a cat dies, judy Helm Wright Pet Grief Coach, kids and pets

Have you ever seen your dog looking for his toy? How about the cat staring at you, like they can see in your soul? Then, you may have wondered which animal has the best eyesight. Well, I was curious too. Read on to see what I discovered about who sees better- cats or dogs. Superpower … Read more