Man’s Best Friend Is His Dog
“If you can bond with an animal, you can understand how human beings work”
Michele James
For thousands of years dogs have provided people with protection, companionship and support and today the dog has become part of the fabric of society and often a valued member of families across the globe.
Travel to any part of the world and you will come across variants of

the domestic dog. Loyal to a fault these pets and working animals have become a part of human society, however it is the love that people have for their pets that has more than anything assured the canine species a special place in our hearts.
Animal/Human bond Formed Over The Ages
What we today recognize as the domestic dog became a part of human society when nomadic bands of hunter gatherers were roaming the Earth. There is evidence to suggest that these dogs, descended from the Grey Wolf were viewed as both working animals and as valued partners in surviving the tough environment that characterized the lives of these societies.
It does not take a huge leap of imagination to visualize evenings around a fire when hunters and their families would gather to exchange stories of their day – and at their feet would be their faithful hounds.
Of course these dogs would not have resembled many of the species that we today share our lives with, but the affection that our ancestors felt for their canine companions would have been little different to what we feel today.
Family Pets Enhance Lives
There are very few homes that will not be enriched by the addition of a dog. Our children learn to love these additions to the home as they would a family member. It is very common for an adult to remember with vivid clarity the name and mannerisms of the first dog that was the constant companion of their childhood years. Many people have extremely fond memories of spending time in the outdoors with what would later prove to be not only a faithful companion, but also in a very real sense, a staunch friend and ally during the challenging years of childhood.
It seems that the thousands of years that human beings spent sharing their homes with the canine species has forged a bond that is very difficult, if not impossible to break. The truth of the matter is that we need dogs as much as they need us.
It would take a special person indeed not to look down at a puppy and not feel the urge to protect and nurture that small and vulnerable life, once again we seem to be programmed to view the canine species as part and parcel of what it means to be human.
Gandhi once said that ‘The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.’
Kindness To Animals is Kindness To Humans
The fury that we, as human beings feel when faced with cruelty towards our canine partners is proof of our very real connection between our two species.
This love of our dogs is why we grieve so deeply when they are lost to us. It seems tremendously unfair that our beloved pets are taken from us so quickly – their life spans do not seem adequate to contain the amount of joy that they bring to us.
However, perhaps this is the key, perhaps the star that burns twice as bright only lasts a fraction of the time of its duller companions. What many dog owners have learned is that our treasured friends will not be with us forever and that it is our responsibility to make their time on this planet as enjoyable as possible.
In return they promise us only one thing – pure and non judgmental love.
About the author: Jonathan Leger is a small business owner and personal development enthusiast. He also runs a popular question and answer website with a section dedicated to
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