What do pet parents and pet setters do when their dog is refusing to eat or even worse, look as if they are having a stroke or heart attack? Do you run to the veteranian or look on Google for symptoms and solutions for the health answers?
Most pet parents, if they are like our family, usually take a “wait and see” approach. We have formed that animal/human bond and can usually read the cues and clues of our pets and their health situations. We know what is “normal and natural” for that specific pet and when behavior warrants immediate action.

While you would always check out something serious with our veterinarian, there are things you can do yourself. Do you feel comfortable with gaining mastery over many of the causes and diseases your pet can have by DYI methods?
Tele-Medicine For Pets
Just as in human medicine, there are increasingly more and more companies that can diagnose the pet health problem online. With the use of different aps, websites and smart phones, experts help the humans decide if it is important enough for a pricey, time consuming trip to the Pet ER or can be solved more easily at home with knowledable and trained loved ones.
Pet Health Academy
I recently met two entrepreneurs and successful pet people who own and operate a wonderful site called www.PetHealthAcademy.Com Boston area residents may know and appreciate the brick and mortar businesses of James Calihan and Cara Amour who combined their skill and know-how in an online site which teaches courses to pet owners like this one:
Pet CPR & First Aid Certification Course
For just $65, you will be certified in..
- Common Issues in cats & dogs
- How to check vital signs
- How and when to restrain & muzzle
- 1st Aid skills & techniques
- Choking treatment
- Cat CPR & Dog CPR
- Rescue Breathing
- How to deal with poisoning
- Hyper/Hypothermia
- Dealing with seizures and bloat
$65 versus $786
The American Pet Products Association estimates pet owners will spend an average of $786 for veterinary care for their dogs this year. Cat care from veterinarians comes in at $594. So, you can see that learning to do pet CPR and basic first aid will save you and your pet hours and dollars that can be spent on fun activities together.
Bonding and Connecting
Because we know how important your pets are to you, we want to invite you to join our community of kind, thoughtful people who want respect for all creatures. Claim your free book by signing in to our community in the space above at www.deathofmypet.com/blog/ and you will receive occasional notices of new books, programs and contests. You will always be glad you did. And so will we.
PS: Watch for an upcoming tele-summit of Pet Industry Experts. You can register soon at www.AnimalHumanConnection.info
PSS. Be sure to “like” our page and follow us on Facebook.