Dear Judy,
I am an elderly man and so loved my dog. He was my constant companion and I really miss him. Thank you for asking for stories. I hope you will enjoy my story.
Loss of my pet and best friend
It has been a week now since I cremated my boy

dog Tom. The memories of our friendship are still fresh in my head. He was my only companion in this retirement age, why did he have to go so soon. He was the friend who never judged me, one who was always there for me in times of difficult and happiness.
Companion at the dog park
It’s difficult to imagine that the trips we made to the central district park are no more. Tom was this white dog with some reddish patches scattered over his body, sweet eyes and composed nature. I know everybody at the park envied him. His notorious habit of picking other dogs and playful nature obtained him a celebrity status in the park, you made me proud my boy and I will forever be grateful of that.
Cuddle with my dog in evening
You were my sweet boy who always came and sat on my lap each evening as I read my novel at the balcony. From the first time I saw you I could see that your heart was full of love. The way you walked to me wagging your beautiful tail is all I needed to know that you are the friend I never had for so long. I remember holding you close to my heart and ever since formed an everlasting bond. You never forgot to say goodbye whenever I was leaving town, always staring out of our window until I vanished out of sight.
Dead pet appears in dreams
Just last night I dreamt of you sleeping in the couch with me, maybe its God bringing you back to me, it’s a bitter sweet memory. Your picture at the dining room reminds me of the joy you brought into my life. The three years you were in my life brought my childhood nature back into my life. I was alive again and the future always looked brighter with you by my side.
Remembering the good times
Today I am seated here at the couch, lonely. I am holding the ball ready to throw it for you to go and fetch it. It doesn’t get any better knowing that all this is impossible for now, I can only cherish in the thought of the memories. I remember how sometimes you decided to mess the house, getting wet and then walking all over the house wetting everything along the way. You didn’t spare me that I am an old chap and cleaning is a problem, but I know you cared because you wanted me to get up and do some exercises chasing you and cleaning the house.
Guilt is part of grief
I still can’t understand what happened to you. Last Friday I came home expecting my friend to come rushing at me, welcoming me home. That never happened. I found you laying on the floor restless. I immediately rushed you to the pet clinic. Unfortunately it was a little bit too late. The doctor pronounced you dead on arrival. It was a cruel death, which you didn’t deserve. If only I had come home earlier. I love you my dear boy Tom, I will forever cherish the bad and sweet memories.
Thanks for allowing me to share my story of my pet dog Tom. RNF
It is theraputic to have others who can hear your story and share your pain. We understand because we too have wonderful pets that are part of our family. Let us help you as you walk on this journey of grief.
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Judy Helm Wright is a certified Pet Grief Coach who has many books, videos, podcasts and programs available to assist you in enjoying your fur family.
PS: Be sure to listen in to the weekly radio show on Animal/Human Connection at You will be glad you did.