Training dogs with these 3 tips:
“We expect our dogs to listen to us
when we speak to them and our dogs,
no less than we, do expect us to listen to them.”
Roger Caras
There is no breed of dog that cannot be trained. It does appear that some breeds are more difficult to learn obedience than others. However, it is my opinion that this has more to do with the trainer and his methods than with the dog’s ability to learn.
Puppies Have Amazing Capacity To Learn

The capacity for animals to learn is much greater than most humans realize. We need to remember that with training the key word is consistency. Dogs and other young animals forget lessons with great speed unless they are reminded often by continual reinforcement.
In my earlier career, I worked with families (see and, care, consistency and commitment are the by words of early education of animals, including human ones. Kids learn many life lessons by caring for a pet.
3 Training Tips for Dogs
- Feeding Time Hold the food dish up. The minute the pup’s rear moves in a sitting direction, say “Sit” and immediately get the dish to the floor. After several days of good timing on your part and consistent feedback, you pup will sit when he sees you with the food dish.
- Teaching the Sit-Stay Teach the Sit-Stay in a step-by-step manner. Don’t progress to the next step until the pup is steady at the first command. Begin by having pup sit at your side. Move back a bit and praise the pup. When he can stay, then you can stand in front of him with the leash straight up over his head. When he breaks his stay, you can give a quick upward pull and repeat the command. Eventually the dog will learn to stay as you walk in a circle around him.
- Teaching the Come Use your body language as well as words. Clap your hands, slap your leg or wave him toward you. Kneel down on the pup’s level and indicate you want him to move toward you. You can play “chase” to get your dog to follow along with you.
As puppies leave the nest, they begin to search for two things; a pack leader and the rules of the pack. If a dog does not find the pack leader in an owner, he will assume that role of pack leader himself. If there are no rules that are enforced on a consistent basis, the dog or small animal will learn to make their own rules.
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Judy Helm Wright is a certified Pet Grief Coach who has many books, videos, podcasts and programs available to assist you in enjoying your fur family.
PS: Be sure to listen in to the weekly radio show on Animal/Human Connection at You will be glad you did.