Animal Jokes and Riddles (EXPERT)

Q. What kind of cars do cats drive?

A. Catillacs!


Q. What do you get when you get when you cross a sheepdog with a rose?

A.A Collie-Flower


Yuk, yuk, Everyone loves jokes about our beloved friends, our pets.


Women in the Pet Industry Network
Judy Helm Wright is a member of the Women in The Pet Industry.

These are just a couple of the riddles in our newest  book Animal Jokes, Riddles & One-Liners for the Fun Loving Pet Parents (available at–under books)


P.S. We really appreciate reviews. It is easy for us writer types to create and publish, but difficult to market and ask for reviews. So, I am going out of my comfort zone since I am in such a happy mood and ask if you will take a few minutes and write a review for this or any of my books you are lucky enough to read. Blessings.


Here are a few more for you to enjoy;


  • Why did the farmer dog jump up and down on the potatoe patch? Because…..He hoped to raise mashed potatoes.
  • Why did the dog jump off the Empire State Building?  Because…He wante to make a hit on  Broadway!
  • Why did the dog run in circles?  Because…He was a watchdog and needed winding.
  • What do you get if you cross a Beatle and an Australian dog?  Aha….Dingo Starr!
  •  What do you get if you cross a cocker spaniel, a poodle and a rooster?  Aha…Cockerpoodledoo!


Not all parts of being a pet parent is fun and games.


When we adot a pet, our head knows that we will outlive our pet.  But, our heart doesn’t remember when it is time to tell our best friend Good by. When you. or someone you know, ismourning the loss of a best friend and furry companio, depressing thoughts may linger in your mind.  This is normal!

Many people have a hard time moving though their grief and discovering more healthy ways to cope.


Imagine connecting with a wise, intuitive “Auntie” who knows how you feel, because she has felt the same way–and can guide you in private sessions as close as the phone or computer.  Judy hosts a radio show aout Anima/Human Connections, has authored 20+ books on relationships, and is a Hospice volunteer.  She is very approachable and provides a safe place where you can share with other like-minded people.


Reach out and discover a wealth of community benefits and resources available to you.  This will enhance your life and enrich your friendships.  Come join us.



P.P.S   If you are mourning the loss of a beloved pet, then you will want to join our community of kind, thoughtful people who have respect for all at


When a beloved pet has died, is aging, ill, or will soon pass your feelings of grief can be overwhelming. You don’t need to face this alone.


Judy Helm Wright, Pet Grief Coach is available for personal coaching and guidance, pet tribute books and therapeutic resources for those mourning the loss of a pet companion.


Please check out our pet loss support group at and receive comfort and understanding from other pet families.


P.P.S. You will always be glad you did take the steps to join other kindred spirits in Animal Human Connection. Blessings, Judy Helm Wright, Pet Grief Coach.





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